EarnbyApp – Earn extra income by downloading mobile apps!

As the name implies earnbyapp provides an additional earning platform for those who wish to work with their android and ios devices. By working for earnbyapp you are becoming a part of one of the best mobile advertising network. You should not have any technical knowledge. What all needed is a smartphone with food data connection and enough storage. Only you do is to download apps from store!

EBA provides three major platforms for earning. They are:

  1. Keyword Installs: Find an app by searching a keyword and install it.
  2. Direct Installs: Just click on link and install apps
  3. Referrals: 10% of earnings of referred users upto 1 year.

  • Keyword Installs – You just need to login from your mobile device and click on Keyword installs menu. There you can see app icon and link to install it. You should memorize the app icon on your mind. On clicking install, you will be redirected to App store / Play Store. The page will be a search result page using a keyword. You need to find the app using the icon (It will be available in Top 50).  Just find and install the app, open it, take a screenshot, come back to earnbyapp.com and upload in the same page.
  • Direct Installs – You just need to login from your mobile device and click on direct installs menu. There you can see app icon, app name and link to install it. On clicking install, you will be redirected to the app in App store / Play Store. Just install the app, open it, take a screenshot, come back to earnbyapp.com and upload in the same page.
  • Referrals – You can refer your friends to join the platform. You will get 10% of all the money generated by your referrals upto 1 year. For example, if you have referred 50 people and each of them earn $100 per month, you will get $500 / month without doing any download tasks.  Please note that you will get referral commission for each member upto 1 year only. That means, you have to refer new members often to ensure regular income for several years.

How it works?

Register a new Account on EarnbyApp.

  • Download keyword apps and direct apps listed on your dashboard.
  • Get rewarded for each and every installs you have completed.
  • Earn money while you sleep. Refer your friends and you will get 10% of all their earnings upto 1 year.

Earning Potential

We are in starting phase only. Actual revenue depends on the number of advertisers (App owners) on our platform. On a rough estimate you can expect around $30-$50/month for the first 2 months and can go upto $100 within  4-6 months. How ever, you can earn more using referral commissions. You can refer your friends to join the platform. You will get 10% of all the money generated by your referrals upto 1 year.

Our Rates may vary as per demand. The approx current rates are;

  • iOS keyword installs: $0.16
  • iOS direct installs : $0.11
  • Android keyword installs : $0.10
  • Android direct installs: $0.06
  • Referral Commission : 10% of referred member’s income.

Visit FAQ more all details. https://earnbyapp.com/earnbyapp-frequently-asked-questions

Our Website: https://earnbyapp.com/

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